
2015年02月05日 17:52


Do you have a favourite location that you shot on during the six films?


Locations that stand out my mind are things like Edoras, this rock in the middle of a very very windy valley. Just pass Methven, in the South Island. We were looking for a location as described by Tolkin in his book and the city of Edoras is built in a valley on top of a huge rock, a large oval, this place is absolutely perfect, so where as today, we would probably not doing anything other than take photos and do it on the computer later on, we actually back in 1999, actually had to build Edoras on top of this rock in the middle of this windy valley on South Island, so those memories are fantastic when you standing in this incredible location where there is not a single sign of humanity 360 degrees, you are standing amongst this medieval village with a huge big golden hole there or some, you do get transported into some other time or place. I love the PoolburnLakes which was in Central Otago, between Queenstown and Dunedin, and that was where we shot Rohan, where a lot of riders of Rohan with these rolling prairie land and big rock formations, I just thought that is a fantastic atmosphere. I liked it a lot. AndParadise, the end of Glenorchy path. It’s called Paradise, it’s a little pocket. The reason why Paradise is so popular with films is it’s privately owned. Most of the amazing sceneries in New Zealand are owned by DOC, Department of Conservation, they very naturally have restrictions on what you can do and can’t do. But there is a little section of this amazing South Island, a pocket of South Island that is owned by a very lovely farmer and he called it paradise and he allows film crews to go and shoot. You are not pleased in the way you are without DOC’s location. So it is more convenient for film crews to use such a place, and Paradise is a favorite, so we keep going back there time and time again, even for non middle-earth films.


Why is New Zealand the best place to have filmed these trilogies?


Tolkin described a landscape in his books which he was evoking a prehistory landscape of Europe, which in his mind he set later was 6 or 7 thousand years ago. A mythic time before the ancient Greeks and ancient Egyptians. It was a time of which these of the things happened but now have been forgotten. We were looking for European landscape, about one which was unspoiled which was sort of almost a European landscape in form, a preschool European landscape hasn’t quite got there yet. So New Zealand is perfect, it was rugged, you can feel the emptiness of the locations we used. They are literally empty. New Zealand has 4 million people, it’s supposed to be 60 million in the U.K. and the countries are about the same size, so you can go to a lot of places in New Zealand and not have another human being anywhere close to you. So certainly shooting a film you don’t want to go TV aerials, you don’t want freeways, you don’t want housing, you just want huge expanses of natural landscape, so it’s the perfect place. Empty and places, the right places.


These films have left a lasting legacy on film tourism here, what hopes do you have for the future of Middle-earth, New Zealand?

这些影片为新西兰旅游业留下了永恒的宝贵遗产,你对现实中土世界– 新西兰的未来有何期许?

The future is gonna be different to what it is now, because obviously the releasing of the films, the premier of the films, the actual promotion and all that activities surround the film was what dominate during this particular period of time, I meant 15 or 10 years ago for the Lord of the Rings. but you know we are very quickly going to find ourselves in a future in which these movies would become part of the fabric of film culture, there will be a generation growing up who won’t remember that the Hobbits are shot after the Lord of the Rings, you will be able to watch them in the right order, they won’t have the memory of them being another way. They will change and become part of memory. Hopefully, New Zealand, I don’t think is gonna change. In quite that way, so Middle-earth will always gonna be down here. It will always be down here waiting for anyone that sees these six movies at any point of the future. It’s down here and waiting for people come to visit. I think it will be here for another few thousand years, hopefully. We might have 4.1 million people here by that time maybe. Still be lots of empty places.


You’ve made cameo appearances in 2 Air NZ Hobbit inspired safety videos now. What’s it like to work with the airline and what are your thoughts on the safety videos?


I think it’s fantastic that a very boring dry part of travel. Certainly, the airplanes have lecture about the seatbelts and exits of all those bloody things that goes on. We have had that various forms from all sorts of airlines for our entire lives and the fact that Air NZ now found a way to turn that into entertainment while still not losing its essential safety, quality, I think it’s fantastic. It’s actually, you know it’s guys I have been in 2 of them so I gonna in the third to complete the trilogy. How we gonna make that happen? I’m sure one day. But I think it’s fun when something is frankly boring, anywhere else in the world, those airline safety things are bloody boring, now they are making them entertainment. Hey, you should be a part of it.


Air NZ has also created two Hobbit inspired aircraft liveries, including one depicting your vision of Smaug the dragon. What’s it been like to see Smaug take flight?


Popular culture, movies, they are so accessible now, everybody has a tablet or a smartphone, everything is so accessible, I think the fact you have an airline that is tapping into popular culture, as well as being a national carrier, it’s also entering into the fun of what these films are supposed to be about, they are entertainment, they are supposed to be something that you watch for piece of escapism, and what better thing than an airplane to fly off to a different form of escapism, a vacation or a trip, and see the dragon on the other side of the plane I think it’s really make sense.




霍比屯(Hobbiton):即《指环王》中比尔博与弗罗多所在地的拍摄场景,位于现实中的玛塔玛塔(Matamata) 怀卡托城(Waikato)。从奥克兰(Auckland)向南行驶几个小时,就能看到怀卡托一望无际的肥沃农田。该地区还以乳品业和优良纯种马而闻名。霍比特人的粉丝可在导游陪同下前去霍比屯电影外景地参观。

惠灵顿(Wellington):新西兰首都惠灵顿坐落在北岛的南端,背靠绵延青山,面朝万顷碧波。惠灵顿在2011 年被《孤独星球》誉为“世界最酷的小型首都”。对于指环王迷来说,惠灵顿是彼得•杰克逊的维塔工作室(Weta Workshop)和维塔之家(The Weta Cave)的所在地,在这里你可以了解到电影神奇的幕后制作。

凯特里特里(Kaiteriteri):凯特里特里镇以其美丽的金色沙滩以及碧蓝驰名四方,拥有汽车露营地、旅馆、普通商店和各式餐厅。这座美丽迷人的海滩小镇距莫图依卡(Motueka)仅13 公里,与亚伯塔斯曼国家公园(Abel Tasman National Park)更是近在咫尺。


梅思文(Methven):梅思文位于南阿尔卑斯山脉(Southern Alps)的山脚,距基督城(Christchurch)只有一个半小时的公路路程。冬天的时候,这里是雪上运动爱好者的乐园。在其他季节,喷射快艇、高空弹跳、热气球以及山地自行车等运动非常盛行。


皇后镇(Queenstown):皇后镇是新西兰最负盛名的旅游目的地之一。有人说,以前的淘金者拜服于此地皇室般高贵端华的美丽,便将之命名为“皇后镇”。皇后镇坐落在水晶般澄澈的瓦卡蒂普湖畔(Lake Wakatipu),四周环绕雄伟群山。壮美的风光、热情的人民,使这里声名远扬。皇后镇四季分明,是全年皆宜的度假胜地。


天堂谷(Paradise Valley):《霍比特人:史矛革之战》剧组选择将天堂谷中的一个内陆农场——阿卡迪亚驿站作为剧中比翁之屋的取景地。天堂谷仿如世外桃源,这里大自然的宏伟景色与华丽色彩相辅相成,彼此共生,达到完美平衡。


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