



——石拓培 宝洁全球护肤和个护品类董事长兼总裁

12月2日,在2019 GDMS 全球数字营销峰会上,石拓培先生接受特邀媒体、专访平台——凤凰网的访问,在分享优秀案例的同时,也强调日化行业未来的营销,离不开品牌的可持续发展,以及企业社会责任的实践。他认为,品牌需要在保持自我的前提下适应消费群体的需求。



石拓培:每次我做内部沟通,需要我选出一个最佳的案例的时候都让我很为难。总体来说,我认为今年我们的市场营销做得很出色,尤其是在护肤和个人护理品类,比如今天提到的舒肤佳和Olay。我个人最喜欢的一个广告是SK-II的“为什么她们不回家过年” (SK-II's "Meet me halfway"),这是为中国的春节设计的,面向中国婚姻市场的广告,广告内容是让父母们和女儿们在回家路上通过聊天的方式来对婚姻压力达成和解并且庆祝新年,这个广告很动人,我非常喜欢。




石拓培:在宝洁,我们相信每个人的机会是均等的,我们在全球有一个项目叫“We see equal”,每一次我们在中国做以这个为主题的活动,都在微博等平台引起很多人的关注和互动,足见它很受欢迎。可能你还不知道,在中国,宝洁管理团队中,24人中就有10位是女性,我们对此是非常自豪的。同时我们也在进一步推广平等,最近,Olay正和中国青基会合作一个叫White Swan(白天鹅计划)的项目,他们要在中国的农村建造艺术中心,让孩子们能够圆一个艺术梦,他们可以在那里唱歌、跳舞、演奏,从而变得更加自信。






石拓培:这个问题很难讲,对宝洁而言,我们有着非常多的品牌,他们拥有不同的品牌形象和定位,这几年,我发现中国市场有一个现象,以Olay为例,它是一个关注科学品牌,除了忠于品牌的自身定位,它的产品也在顺应消费者的需求,中国的消费者更青睐高端产品,为此我们在过去几年也相继推出了很多高端和超高端的产品,我们的Fearless of Age和Fearless to Dream产品线在中国受到很多好评。同时,我们也考虑到移动端的消费群体,我们本着社交为先的原则,这取代了原本的电视优先的原则,产品体验以及媒体都是需要不断变革的,品牌则需要在保持自我的前提下紧跟消费群体的需求。


凤凰网: 2019年最让你自豪的一个市场营销案例是哪个?

Markus:I think we had amazing year of marketing this year in P&G especially in skin and personal care. You saw some of the cases that we mentioned here today, the Safeguard case, and the OLAY case. But I think one of my personal favorites was the SK-II“half way ticket “(Meet me halfway)campaign that we did this for Chinese New Year, and it built on the marriage market that I just showed and it brought parents and daughters together halfway between their locations to help them to talk and celebrate Chinese New Year, it was very moving and I kind of like that very much.

凤凰网:What new trends do you see in the global personal care industry in 2020, and what does P&G take the layout in this regard?

Markus:I think one of the biggest trends that I see coming up in 2020 and in the next couple of years is the trend of sustainability, and I think it's not only environmental, sustainability which is becoming very important, it also very important here recently, but it's also social responsibility. I think all companies, all manufacturers are expected to be have socially to further social causes and this is all under the big umbrella of sustainability. And we are gearing up for this, we have a lot of projects in this area and we're also getting the culture of our organization to think sustainably into the future.

凤凰网:What kind of role does P&G play in boosting women’s confidence?

Markus:You know we believe in P&G very much in an equal opportunity, we have a global case which is called “We see Equal”, and each time when we activate this in China, we have a lot of engagement on Weibo and other platforms, so it's very popular. I mean you probably don't know, but 10 out of 24 members of our China lead team are women, and we really are very proud of that, and we also do some other work to further equal opportunity. Recently our OLAY personal care brand is working together with the China Foundation in a program called “Whites Swan” to create centers in rural areas where little boys and little girls can live their art dreams, they can sing, play music, dance and to make them more confident like this.

凤凰网:What transformation should media make when the time, technology and customers change.

Markus:I think at the end of the day, as a consumer goods company, you gotta be there where the consumer is, and you gotta be there where the consumer is going. Now especially here in China where the consumer is going is changing very quickly. I mean you wouldn't have thought about two or three years ago that new platforms like BiliBili or Tik Tok becoming so popular. I think the most important thing for us as a company is to foster a sense of experimentation, so when there are new platforms coming up, we are very quick to experiment with those platforms, so that we can be one of the leading brands on this platform. It's basically to be curious and experiment.

凤凰网:How can global brand achieve localized communication, while maintaining its brand personality.

Markus:I think at the end of the day, a brand needs to stay true to its heritage, but it needs to reinvent itself all the time, and it needs to be in touch with local nuances. Again we see China as a design market so we're doing a lot of our design even for global brands in China, and we realized that the insights and our marketing activities are actually traveling very well to other parts of the world, so it's kind of getting the best out of both worlds for us.

凤凰网:How does P&G responds to the repaid changes in its customer base, and what kind of image should be established?

Markus: I think, oh this is a tricky question because we have so many brands with different images but what I've seen especially in China in the last couple of years, if you take a brand like OLAY, it's a science brand, it's true to its heritage, but it has been responding to the trends we've been seeing in China, our products, consumers want to have more luxurious prestigious products, so we have really introduced many more prestigious and uber prestigious products in the last couple of years. Women want to be in touch with the brand, so we have created this campaign “fearless of Age” or “Fearless to Dream” that resonates very well with women in China. And also one want to be on as consumers on social media, so we're thinking mobile first instead of you know television first or anything like this, so product experience and media, they need to be reinvented all the time, and then the brand is relevant to its consumers without changing his soul or its heritage.




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